Sinfuldeeds Persian WILF Giving Monster Cock 2nd Appointment

Duration: 37:39
Views: 88K
Submitted: 1 year ago
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Persian WILF Giving Monster Cock 2nd Appointment
«I’m a Korean guy and I can say white blondes are much easier than Korean girls.»
«@chaphope 64 He likes to use labels for the women to make it easier to title his videos Italian,Korean etc
Of course the non white ones are pretty easy Vietnamese,Korean,Latina,Colombian,Ebony(strange to use that phrase as is Persian
that's going back to the history books) i put that down to him being Asian but more so he is incredibly stupid as regards the world places and people!.
Obviously he can't use names or descriptions i.e. blonde(used that up pretty quickly) as he would soon run out that is why he uses the "ethnicity" link
some of the women for instance Greek,Swedish,Italian,Norway i would say have strong links to those countries and maybe others are stretching it a bit
and some of them sound the same as they are born and bred Canadians it also helps him to remember because as i've said he's not the brightest and could
easily mix them up and say the wrong thing to the wrong woman.Interesting to see if he comes up with same countries in the future.»
«She’s gonna give full blowjob on next appointment.
She loves that Korean cock.»
«I'm sure there must be somebody ready willing and able.
Also, it's just occurred to me just how similar most of these girls sound when talking, they have the same inflections too.»
«@chaphope64 why would anyone wanna eat out a hairy ass persian girl

«these fucking videos have the wads-worth constant. skip 66% of it to get to the good part.»
«Haha you must be a woman trying to deny this but every women seem to love Korean dick.»
«He held this vid back at least 3 weeks as he released visit 1 4 weeks ago and she says at the beginning she wasn't surprised he seen her again so soon say 3/4 days or at most a week. He has a habit of holding onto vids to release when it suits him so he can make the most money.»
«It is real that is the sad fact about it that God or the creator gave such a moron a massive cock but not a brain or a clue
about women or sex to go with it.He really believes he is the destroyer of women the world's greatest cock and porn star
and so do his delusional fans and for all his boasting it's funny that he has to take viagra etc and even then he doesn't last long.
Yes utterly clueless he didn't learn about girls/women sex etc like most boys/men do perhaps his church upbringing and watching
cartoon porn fucked up his mind!
Sweden 3 was a car crash so i wouldn't be too hopeful at the minute for her pity because she's a stunner i think this one is more
likely to suck him off first though he hates spending money and i think it would be a miracle if he ever ate some pussy!»
«Y'all gotta stop acting like this is real lmfao»
«This guy is fucking clueless, she wanted to bone»
«"What's in it for me?" She asks, clearly hoping to be eaten out and the best he can offer is taking her to eat out at a restaurant.
Sad really. I expect Sweden 4 will be the next Cab off the rank now to give him some head.»